I joined the riff team at Pivotal a year and a half ago. I have been working for more than a year on riff invokers.

This probably deserves a blog post on its own, but invokers, in short, have the responsibility of invoking user-defined functions and exposing a way to send inputs and receive outputs. The riff invocation protocol formally defines the scope of such invokers.

Part of my job has been to update the existing invokers (especially the Node.js one) so that they comply with this spec. As the invocation protocol is a streaming-first protocol, I had to really brush up my knowledge about Node.js streams (narrator’s voice: well, learn from zero).

I learnt a lot by trial and error, probably more than I care to admit. This blog post serves as an introduction to Node.js streams. Hopefully, it also outlines some good practices, and some annoying pitfalls to avoid.

Thanks, Dear (Proof)Readers

I would like to thank:

for the various suggestions to make this better. Thanks ❤️

Harder, Better, Mapper, Zipper

Let’s create a tiny Node.js library that works with streams and provide familiar functional operators such as map and zip.

First, what is a stream?

Loosely defined, a stream conveys (possibly indefinitely) chunks of data, to which specific operations can be applied.

How does that translate to Node.js exactly?

Streams in Node.js

Node.js streams come in two flavors: Readable and Writable.

  • Readable streams can be read from
  • Writable streams can be written to

Readable#pipe allows to create a pipeline, where the inputs come from the Readable stream and are written to the destination Writable stream.

const { Readable, Writable } = require("stream");

const myReadableStream /* = instantiate Readable stream */;
const myWritableStream /* = instantiate Writable stream */;


What happens here is that the source Readable stream goes from a paused state to a flowing state after pipe is called.

You can manually manage such state transitions with functions like Readable#pause or Readable#resume but we are only going to rely on automatic flowing mode from now on.

A Node.js stream can also encapsulate a Readable side and a Writable side, such streams are called Duplex streams. If outputs of the duplex stream depend on inputs, then a Transform stream is the way to go (it is a specialization of the Duplex type).

Outputs are read, hence they come from the Readable side of the Duplex stream.

Inputs are written, hence they go to the Writable side of the Duplex stream.

Transform streams automatically expose chunks from the Writable side to a user-defined transformation function. The function results are automatically forwarded to the Readable side of the Transform stream.

Note: unfortunately, Duplex streams do not differentiate Readable errors from Writable ones.

Node.js stream family

These compound streams are interesting for any kind of pipeline beyond basic ones. They encode intermediate transformations before chunks reach the final destination Writable stream.

const { Readable, Transform, Writable } = require("stream");

const myReadableStream /* = instantiate Readable stream */;
const myTransformStream1  /* = instantiate Transform stream */;
const myTransformStream2  /* = instantiate Transform stream */;
const myTransformStream3  /* = instantiate Transform stream */;
const myWritableStream /* = instantiate Writable stream */;


The above “fluent” example works because Readable#pipe returns the reference to the destination stream. Transform (or more generally, Duplex) streams have two sides, so they can be piped to (Writable side) and then from (Readable side) via a new pipe call.

However, this is not necessarily the best way to define a linear pipeline though. One important limitation is that pipe does not offer any particular assistance when it comes to error handling.

Emphasis on linear here. Streams can be piped from and to several times, so you can end up with graph-shaped pipelines.

A more robust alternative in case of linear pipelines is to use the built-in pipeline function. It must be called with:

  • 1 Readable stream (a.k.a. the source)
  • 0..n Duplex stream (a.k.a. intermediates)
  • 1 Writable stream (a.k.a. the destination)
const { pipeline, Readable, Transform, Writable } = require("stream");

const myReadableStream /* = instantiate Readable stream */;
const myTransformStream1  /* = instantiate Transform stream */;
const myTransformStream2  /* = instantiate Transform stream */;
const myTransformStream3  /* = instantiate Transform stream */;
const myWritableStream /* = instantiate Writable stream */;

    (err) => { /* ... */ }

You can also provide a callback that will be invoked when the pipeline completes, abnormally (i.e. when an error occurs) or not.

pipeline invokes the completion callback even if any of the streams’ setting autoDestroy is set to false.

pipeline actually supports more than streams but that’s out of scope for this article. Feel free to check the documentation to learn about other usages.

Now that the general pipeline model is understood, let’s dive into the details of how map works, learning how custom streams are implemented in the process.

You Can’t map This

Credit where credit is due, I am going to reuse the awesome diagrams of project Reactor.

`map` diagram

The top of the diagram depicts chunks as they initially come to the stream, as well as the stream completion signal (marked by the bold vertical line at the end of the sequence).

The map operation here is in the middle, applying a transformation from circles to squares.

The bottom part of the diagram shows the resulting chunks and how the completion signal is propagated as-is.

In other terms, map applies a transformation function to each element of the stream, in the order they arrive.

Let’s start with a Jasmine test:

const { PassThrough, pipeline, Readable } = require("stream");

describe("map operator =>", () => {
    it("applies transformations to chunks", (done) => {
        const source = Readable.from([1, 2, 3], { objectMode: true }); // (1)
        const transformation = new MapTransform((number) => number ** 2); // (2)
        const destination = new PassThrough({ objectMode: true }); // (3)
        const result = [];

        // ??? (4)

            (err) => { // (5)
                expect(err).toBeFalsy('pipeline should successfully complete');
                expect(result).toEqual([1, 4, 9]);

A few things of note:

  1. You can create a Readable from an iterable source such as an array, or a generator function. Here, the stream will emit each array element in succession. The objectMode option configures the stream to receive any kind of chunk. The default chunk data type is textual or binary (i.e. strings, Buffer or Uint8Array). Quite surprisingly, the default mode when specifically using Readable#from is the object mode, contrary to stream constructors. However redundant, the object mode is set here just for consistency’s sake.
  2. MapTransform does not exist yet, we will have to figure out its implementation next but we can assume its constructor accepts a transformation function (here: the square function). We could pass the objectMode setting, but let’s assume it always operates this way.
  3. PassThrough is a special implementation of Transform stream which directly forwards inputs as outputs (it applies the identity function in other words).
  4. we need to somehow accumulate the observed outputs to result, more on that soon
  5. we leverage the completion callback of pipeline to verify a few things:
    1. the pipeline completes successfully
    2. the observed results are consistent with the transformation we intend to apply on the initial chunks
    3. done is a Jasmine utility to notify the test runner of the (asynchronous) test completion

For people familiar with the given-when-then test structure, this test may look a bit strange. Indeed, the order is changed here to given-then-when. This has to do with the asynchronous nature of streams. We have to set up the expectations (the “then” block) before data starts flowing in, i.e. before pipeline is called.

How can we be sure the test completes? After all, streams can be infinite. In that case, Readable#from reads a finite array and will send a completion signal once the array is fully consumed. This completion signal will be forwarded to all the other (downstream) streams, we can therefore be confident the pipeline completion callback is going to be called. In the worst case, the test will hang for a while until the Jasmine timeout is reached, causing a test failure.

We now need to figure out how to complete the test.

Node.js streams extend EventEmitter. They emit specific events that can be listened to via functions such as EventEmitter#on(eventType, callback). Event listeners are synchronously executed in the order they are added (you can tweak the order via alternative functions such as EventEmitter#prependListener(eventType, callback)).

Our test needs to observe chunks written to the destination stream. Technically, the destination could just be a Writable stream as this is the only requirement of pipe and pipeline. However, we need to read the chunks that have been written to, so using a Transform stream such as PassThrough definitely helps as it exposes a Readable side.

In particular, Readable streams emit a data event with the associated chunk of data. That is exactly what we need to accumulate the results!

Our test now becomes:

const { PassThrough, pipeline, Readable } = require("stream");

describe("map operator =>", () => {
    it("applies transformations to chunks", (done) => {
        const source = Readable.from([1, 2, 3], { objectMode: true });
        const transformation = new MapTransform((number) => number ** 2);
        const destination = new PassThrough({ objectMode: true });
        const result = [];

        destination.on('data', (chunk) => {

            (err) => {
                expect(err).toBeFalsy('pipeline should successfully complete');
                expect(result).toEqual([1, 4, 9]);

The test seems ready. If I execute it, I get:

 $ npm test
1) map operator => applies transformations to chunks
    ReferenceError: MapTransform is not defined

Just to make sure the pipeline is properly set up, let’s temporarily replace MapTransform with PassThrough in object mode. In that case, the test should fail because result will be equal to [1, 2, 3] and not [1, 4, 9]. Let’s see:

 $ npm test
1) map operator => applies transformations to chunks
    Expected $[1] = 2 to equal 4.
    Expected $[2] = 3 to equal 9.

The test fails as expected, let’s focus on the implementation now.

map is an intermediate transformation, directly correlating outputs to inputs. Hence, Transform is the ideal choice.

Let’s subclass Transform, then:

const { Transform } = require("stream");

class MapTransform extends Transform {
    constructor(mapFunction) {
        super({ objectMode: true });
        this.mapFunction = mapFunction;

    // ???

Transform streams need to implement the _transform method. The first parameter is the chunk of data coming to the Writable side, the second is the encoding (which is irrelevant in object mode) and the third one is a callback that must be called exactly once to notify either an error or null (first argument) or pass on the result to the Readable side (second argument).

const { Transform } = require("stream");

class MapTransform extends Transform {
    constructor(mapFunction) {
        super({ objectMode: true });
        this.mapFunction = mapFunction;

    _transform(chunk, encoding, callback) {
        callback(null, this.mapFunction(chunk));

Let’s see if the test passes now:

 $ npm test

> jasmine

Randomized with seed 30817

1 spec, 0 failures
Finished in 0.014 seconds

🍾 It does!

We could improve a few things, such as accepting asynchronous functions and handling throwing functions. This is left as an exercise to the readers 😉 (hint: Promise.resolve bridges synchronous and asynchronous functions)

Zip it!

zip is slightly more complex than map as it operates on (at least) two streams. Let’s see it in action (thanks again to project Reactor for the diagrams):

`zip` diagram

zip pairs up chunks by order of arrival. Once the pair is formed, a transformation function is applied to it. zip completes when the last stream completes.

For simplicity’s sake, our zip implementation will only pair elements together but not apply any transformation.

Time to express our intent with a test:

const { PassThrough, pipeline, Readable } = require("stream");

describe("zip operator =>", () => {

    it("pairs chunks from upstream streams", (done) => {
        const upstream1 = Readable.from([1, 2, 3], { objectMode: true }); // (1)
        const upstream2 = Readable.from(["Un", "Deux", "Trois"], { objectMode: true }); // (1)
        const zipSource = new ZipReadable(upstream1, upstream2); // (2)
        const destination = new PassThrough({ objectMode: true }); // (3)
        const result = []; // (4)

        destination.on('data', (chunk) => { // (4)

            (err) => { // (5)
                expect(err).toBeFalsy('pipeline should successfully complete');
                    [1, "Un"],
                    [2, "Deux"],
                    [3, "Trois"]

This is very similar to the previous map test:

  1. we need two streams to read from, hence the creation of two Readable streams from different arrays. Note we could (and should for a production implementation) spice up the test a bit by introducing latency, thus making sure we properly wait for chunks to be paired in order. This could be done with generator functions and setTimeout.
  2. the next step will be to figure out how to implement ZipReadable. We can safely assume it accepts two Readable streams to read chunks from.
  3. same as before, we rely on PassThrough to receive the resulting chunks. We will use its Readable side to observe and accumulate the results.
  4. we accumulate the observed resulting chunks in result, based on the data event emitted by the Readable side of the PassThrough stream
  5. finally, we rely on the completion callback to make sure, as before, that the pipeline successfully completes, the resulting chunks are as we expect and notify Jasmine of the test completion

Let’s run the test:

 $ npm test
1) zip operator => pairs chunks from upstream streams
    ReferenceError: ZipReadable is not defined

Let’s create an implementation that works with two streams for now. First, what kind of stream our ZipReadable should be? Let’s go with Readable, as ZipReadable acts as a source built upon two upstream streams.

const { Readable } = require("stream");

class ZipReadable extends Readable {
    constructor(stream1, stream2) {
        super({ objectMode : true });
        this.stream1 = stream1;
        this.stream2 = stream2;
    // ??? (2)

    _startReading() {
        this.stream1.on('data', (chunk1) => {
            // ??? (1)
        this.stream2.on('data', (chunk2) => {
            // ??? (1)
  1. we need to get data from both the upstream streams. We chose here not to call _startReading in the constructor. The goal is to start reading only when a first consumer wants to read data.
  2. we somehow need to emit data whenever ZipReadable is read from

Let’s first worry about buffering the incoming data:

const { Readable } = require("stream");

class ZipReadable extends Readable {

    constructor(stream1, stream2) {
        super({ objectMode : true });
        this.chunks1 = [];
        this.chunks2 = [];
        this.stream1 = stream1;
        this.stream2 = stream2;

    // ???

    _startReading() {
        this.stream1.on('data', (chunk1) => {
        this.stream2.on('data', (chunk2) => {


Nothing too fancy here, chunks are pushed to the corresponding array. Custom Readable need to implement Readable#_read. Results are pushed to consumers via Readable#push.

Let’s have a crack at it:

const { Readable } = require("stream");

class ZipReadable extends Readable {

    constructor(stream1, stream2) {
        super({ objectMode : true });
        this.initialized = false;
        this.stream1 = stream1;
        this.stream2 = stream2;
        this.chunks1 = [];
        this.chunks2 = [];

    _read(size) {
        if (!this.initialized) {
            this._startReading(); // (1)
            this.initialized = true;
        const bound = Math.min(size, this.chunks1.length, this.chunks2.length); // (2)
        if (bound === 0) {
        const readyChunks1 = this.chunks1.splice(0, bound); // (3)
        const readyChunks2 = this.chunks2.splice(0, bound); // (3)
        for (let i = 0; i < bound; i++) {
            const pair = [readyChunks1[i], readyChunks2[i]]; // (4)
            this.push(pair); // (5)

    _startReading() {
        this.stream1.on('data', (chunk1) => {
        this.stream2.on('data', (chunk2) => {
  1. upon the first call to Readable#_read (when pipeline is called in the test), we start reading data from the upstream sources. As we do not want to subscribe to the 'data' event multiple times, we guard this initialization with the this.initialized flag.
  2. size is advisory, so we could just ignore it but it does not cost much to include in the bound computation. More on that towards the end of this article.
  3. splice is used here to remove and return the bound first elements of each array as well as shift the remaining ones. That way, we do not keep consumed chunks around.
  4. the core logic of zip is here, we create a pair (an array) of chunks accumulated from two streams
  5. finally, we publish that pair

Let’s see if our test is happy:

1) zip operator => pairs chunks from upstream streams
    Error: Timeout - Async function did not complete within 5000ms (set by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL)

Oh no! The test fails. Looking at the above implementation, this actually makes sense. When _read is called the first time, there is no guarantee at all that data has been buffered yet from the upstream sources.

Looking a bit more closely to Readable#_read documentation, we can read:

Once the readable._read() method has been called, it will not be called again until more data is pushed through the readable.push() method.

Ahah! That’s exactly the issue we hit! _read is called a first time when the pipeline is set up, but no data has come yet so nothing to push. Then, we are stuck forever as no further Readable#push calls can occur because _read will not be called anymore.

Lucky for us, nothing prevents Readable#push, or even Readable#_read from being called from elsewhere in the Readable implementation.

Let’s try again (and add a few temporary logs while we’re at it):

const { Readable } = require("stream");

class ZipReadable extends Readable {

    constructor(stream1, stream2) {
        super({ objectMode : true });
        this.initialized = false;
        this.waitingForData = false;
        this.stream1 = stream1;
        this.stream2 = stream2;
        this.chunks1 = [];
        this.chunks2 = [];

    _read(size) {
        if (!this.initialized) {
            console.log('Initializing pipeline');
            this.initialized = true;
        const bound = Math.min(size, this.chunks1.length, this.chunks2.length);
        if (bound === 0) {
            console.log(`Waiting for data, nothing to do for now...`);
            this.waitingForData = true;
        console.log(`Data flowing: ${bound} element(s) from each source to zip!`);
        this.waitingForData = false;
        const readyChunks1 = this.chunks1.splice(0, bound);
        const readyChunks2 = this.chunks2.splice(0, bound);
        for (let i = 0; i < bound; i++) {
            const pair = [readyChunks1[i], readyChunks2[i]];

    _startReading() {
        this.stream1.on('data', (chunk1) => {
            console.log(`Chunk 1 received: ${chunk1}`);
            if (this.waitingForData) {
                console.log(`Waiting for data, calling with ${this.chunks1.length} element(s) from first upstream`);
        this.stream2.on('data', (chunk2) => {
            console.log(`Chunk 2 received: ${chunk2}`);
            if (this.waitingForData) {
                console.log(`Waiting for data, calling with ${this.chunks2.length} element(s) from second upstream`);

Let’s re-run the test:

 $ npm test
Initializing pipeline
Waiting for data, nothing to do for now...
Chunk 1 received: 1
Waiting for data, calling with 1 element(s) from first upstream
Waiting for data, nothing to do for now...
Chunk 2 received: Un
Waiting for data, calling with 1 element(s) from second upstream
Data flowing: 1 element(s) from each source to zip!
Chunk 1 received: 2
Chunk 2 received: Deux
Chunk 1 received: 3
Chunk 2 received: Trois
Data flowing: 2 element(s) from each source to zip!
Waiting for data, nothing to do for now...

1) zip operator => pairs chunks from upstream streams
    Error: Timeout - Async function did not complete within 5000ms (set by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL)

Hmm, the test still fails, but the implementation seems to behave correctly. What actually happens is that our ZipReadable implementation never completes. Looking again at the Readable#push documentation, we can see pushing that null notifies downstream consumers that the stream is done emitting data.

Now, when should we do that? If we look at the Reactor diagram of zip again:

`zip` diagram

… we can see that the completion should be sent when the last stream completes. Readable streams notify consumers with the end event when they are done. Now that we have got everything figured out, let’s get rid of the logs and fix our implementation:

const { Readable } = require("stream");

class ZipReadable extends Readable {

    constructor(stream1, stream2) {
        super({ objectMode : true });
        this.initialized = false;
        this.waitingForData = false;
        this.endedUpstreamCount = 0; // (1)
        this.stream1 = stream1;
        this.stream2 = stream2;
        this.chunks1 = [];
        this.chunks2 = [];

    _read(size) {
        if (!this.initialized) {
            this.initialized = true;
        const bound = Math.min(size, this.chunks1.length, this.chunks2.length);
        if (bound === 0) {
            this.waitingForData = true;
        this.waitingForData = false;
        const readyChunks1 = this.chunks1.splice(0, bound);
        const readyChunks2 = this.chunks2.splice(0, bound);
        for (let i = 0; i < bound; i++) {
            const pair = [readyChunks1[i], readyChunks2[i]];

    _startReading() {
        this.stream1.on('end', () => { // (2)
            if (this.endedUpstreamCount === 2) { // (3)
        this.stream2.on('end', () => { // (2)
            if (this.endedUpstreamCount === 2) { // (3)
        this.stream1.on('data', (chunk1) => {
            if (this.waitingForData) {
        this.stream2.on('data', (chunk2) => {
            if (this.waitingForData) {
  1. we introduce a counter to keep track of upstream stream completion.
  2. we observe each upstream stream completion and increment the counter when than occurs.
  3. we notify the zip stream completion when all upstream streams are done.

Let’s run the tests:

 $ npm test

2 specs, 0 failures

Yay, it passes 🥳

However, the implementation could definitely be refactored as there is a lot of duplicated behaviors. It could even be generalized to n upstream sources (the corresponding test is very similar to the one with 2 sources)!

And here we go:

const { Readable } = require("stream");

class ZipReadable extends Readable {

    constructor(...upstreams) { // (1)
        super({ objectMode : true });
        this.initialized = false;
        this.waitingForData = false;
        this.endedUpstreamCount = 0;
        this.streams = upstreams;
        this.chunks = upstreams.map(() => []); // (2)

    _read(size) {
        if (!this.initialized) {
            this.initialized = true;
        const bound = Math.min(size, ...this.chunks.map(array => array.length));  // (3)
        if (bound === 0) {
            this.waitingForData = true;
        this.waitingForData = false;
            .map(a => a.splice(0, bound))
            .reduce((prev, curr) => {  // (4)
                const result = [];
                for (let i = 0; i < bound; i++) {
                    const previous = (Array.isArray(prev[i])) ? prev[i] : [prev[i]];
                    result.push([...previous, curr[i]]);
                return result
            .forEach((pair) => {

    _startReading() {
        this.streams.forEach((stream, index) => {
            stream.on('end', () => {
                if (this.endedUpstreamCount === this.streams.length) { // (5)
            stream.on('data', (chunk) => {
                const streamChunks = this.chunks[index];
                if (this.waitingForData) {
  1. we use now the “rest parameter” syntax to accept any number of streams. We could arguably improve the signature further by having two mandatory streams and an optional rest ones for extra streams.
  2. we just have to create an initial empty array of chunks for every stream
  3. we compute the current length of each chunk array and use the “spread syntax” to fit these lengths into separate arguments of Math.min.
  4. finally, after Array#splice extract the bound first parameter of each chunk array, these arrays are reduced into pairs and then published via Readable#push
  5. the counter now need to reflect the dynamic number of upstream sources instead of the hardcoded 2 of the previous version

Does the existing test still pass?

 $ npm test

2 specs, 0 failures


One More Thing

There is one (albeit very important) aspect of streams I deliberately did not mention here: backpressure. Backpressure happens when downstream streams cannot keep up with upstream streams. Basically, the latter conveys data too fast for the first.

The good news is that Readable#pipe handles backpressure “for free” (and I assume pipeline as well).

That being said, do our custom implementations of zip and map handle backpressure correctly?

Spoiler alert: I’m afraid not.

However, there will be a dedicated blog post about this, with updates to the initial implementations 😉

Going further

If you notice improvements (other than backpressure-related ones), please send a Pull Request and/or reach out to me on Twitter. Here are a few references that helped me in my stream learning journey that are worth sharing: